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Why Small Business Phone Systems Need Service Insight

small business phone systems

The customer experience has emerged as a top business driver in recent years. This is a trend that was already picking up steam heading into 2020, and was greatly accelerated by the outbreak of COVID-19. Now more than ever, companies are expected to provide first class experiences at every turn.

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Many small businesses today are struggling to implement strong CX measures into their customer touchpoints. Oftentimes, this is because small business phone systems lack integration with customer analytics — making it difficult to identify and improve service issues.

Introducing Service Insight For Small Business Phone Systems

Service Insight is an innovative twist on contact center capabilities that emphasizes customer engagement tools. A Service Insight solution provides extensive analytics and connectivity workflows to teams within an organization to help gain better visibility into the overall customer experience. For instance, tracking a customer’s experience across multiple departments, such as Customer Service, Billing, and Sales, is made easier with Service Insight.

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For the small business, this added layer of synchronization can improve the overall customer experience and give an impression of superior service. Another added benefit: Service Insight can integrate directly with a business’ existing communications platform for maximum value. As a cloud-based solution it ensures seamless and secure performance for multi-location businesses as well.

Data Sharing

With Service Insight, all team members have a unified overview of each individual customer experience. Customers will be able to receive consistent service from knowledgeable agents regardless of who they are communicating with. This is critical for customer journey mapping.

Web-based Agent Desktop

Service Insight’s web-based agent desktop allows for easy platform access, providing a better experience for both end users and IT administrators. Service Insight is a great platform to use with remote teams.

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Full-featured Auto Attendant & Unlimited Queues

Service Insight can also enable a better in-call experience, providing customers with a fully functioning auto attendant.

Advanced Management Tools

Supervisors will benefit from an advanced monitoring system, providing the necessary tools to supervise agents and call queues.

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Post-call Review

Supervisors will also benefit from a powerful post-call review feature, providing a wealth of helpful analytics about the customer experience.

Historical Data

In addition, Service Insight provides historical data to help teams understand customer trends over time. For example, Service Insight may indicate that large numbers of callers tend to hang up at a certain point in an IVR process — indicating that a change is needed.

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Let Service Insight Transform CX

Service Insight is a powerful tool that teams can use to take control over the customer experience. With the help of Service Insight, it’s possible to gain better visibility into how customers are interacting with your business and how you can better meet their needs.

Learn More About Service Insight